Lions Club International

The Lions Club, founded in 1917 by Melvin Jones, is known for its motto: “We serve.” The Lions Club vision is to be a global leader in community and humanitarian services. Its volunteers serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding. Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organization with 1.3 million members in more than 45,000 clubs best known for fighting blindness, yet also aiding in caring for the environment, community projects, feeding the hungry and assisting seniors and the disabled.

Our Motto: We Serve
Join Us at the Fishhawk Lions Monthly Meeting the 1st Wednesday of Every Month at 7:00 p.m. at Grace Community UMC, 5708 Lithia Pinecrest Rd, Lithia, FL. 

Despite the pandemic, the Fishhawk Lions Club has thrived and been able to grow and serve the community. 100% of the monies that we raise go back to the community. We are a diverse non-political group who thrive toward one common goal; to serve. We also enjoy spending time together and after our monthly meeting we go out for dinner and fellowship. We want you to be apart  of this up and coming new Lions Club. We hope to see your soon!

We are always looking for new members interested in serving others in our community with sight and hearing problems. Call our President Lion Jack (813) 727-5659 if you would like to attend one of our meetings to check out our club and see all the good things we do for others less fortunate. You can also contact Lion LaTonyia at RobersonLaTonyia @gmail.com.  You only have to be as active as you feel compelled to be and there are several areas of opportunity and learning we can offer our members. Ask any Lion for an application and they will be more than happy to sponsor you.


Did you ever wonder how the Lion’s Club was started?

1917: The Beginning

 Chicago business leader Melvin Jones asked a simple and world-changing

question – what if people put their talents to work improving their communities? Almost 100 years later, Lions

Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organization, with more than 1.35 million members in more

than 46,000 clubs and countless stories of Lions acting on the same simple idea: let’s improve our communities.

1920: Going International

Just three years after our founding, Lions became international when

we established the first club in Canada. Mexico followed in 1927. In the 1950s and 1960s international growth

accelerated, with new clubs in Europe, Asia and Africa.

1925: Eradicating Blindness

Helen Keller addressed the Lions Clubs International Convention

in Cedar Point, Ohio, USA, and challenged Lions to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against

darkness.” Since then, we have worked tirelessly to aid the blind and visually impaired.

1945: Uniting Nations

The ideal of an international organization is exemplified by our enduring

relationship with the United Nations. We were one of the first nongovernmental organizations invited to assist

in the drafting of the United Nations Charter and have supported the work of the UN ever since.

1957: Organizing Youth Programs

In the late 1950s, we created the Leo Program to provide

the youth of the world with an opportunity for personal development through volunteering. There are

approximately 160,000 Leos and 6,400 Leo clubs in more than 140 countries and geographic areas worldwide.

1968: Establishing Our Foundation

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) assists Lions

with global and large-scale local humanitarian projects. Through our Foundation, Lions have received more than

$826 million in grants to help meet the needs of their local and global communities.

1990: Launching SightFirst

Through LCIF, Lions are restoring sight and preventing blindness on

a global scale with the SightFirst program. Launched in 1990, Lions have raised more than $415 million for this

initiative. SightFirst targets the major causes of blindness: low vision, trachoma, river blindness, childhood

blindness, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.

Today: Extending Our Reach

 Lions Clubs International has impacted the lives of millions all

over the world. Through our signature projects, we are able to help in the areas of sight, health, youth, the

elderly, the environment and disaster relief. We serve in more than 200 countries and geographic areas around

the globe.

Leo’s Corner

Leo Club Objective

To provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community.

Leo Club Motto

Leadership – Develop skills as a project organizer, time manager and team leader.

Experience – Learn how teamwork, cooperation and collaboration can bring exciting changes to your community and the world.

Opportunity – Make friends and feel the rewards of community service.

Leo clubs make local communities better places to live. And they matter locally, because people know that they can count on Leos to pitch in. Leo clubs can work on a diverse array of community service projects, whether the focus is on improving eyesight or providing help halfway around the world.

For More Information and Training Visit http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/member-center/planning-projects/youth/leo-zone/index.php

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